@article{oai:rcakita.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000251, author = {伊藤, 榮子}, issue = {12}, journal = {日本赤十字秋田短期大学紀要, Bulletin of the Japanese Red Cross Junior College of Akita}, month = {Mar}, note = {A短期大学看護学生2・3年生の女性117名に、将来、1.子どもを生み育てる、2.子どもを生み育て仕事を継続する、という項目からなる意識調査を行い、それらの違いを知るために分析した。その結果、(a)1の肯定的回答は全体の約80%、2の肯定的回答は全体の59%で、両者の間には差があった。(b)2の肯定的回答の割合は2000年のイギリス、アイルランド、オーストリア、ベルギー、フランス等の女性労働力率の平均値の水準に近かった。(c)学生達が2を求めた主な理由には、経済的に自立して働く母親であり、社会的に自己確立した人間でありたいという考えがあることが分かった。, An attitude evaluation survey of 117 female students at A nursing junior college was conducted and analyzed to acknowledge the difference between the students. Each student chose one of two alternatives, 1. She will have and raise children, or 2. She will have and raise children and then to keep up a profession, career in the future. The results show that, (a) There was a difference between the total answers to 1(about 80 percent) and to 2(about 60 percent) in the affirmative; (b) The ratio of students who chose (2) as their future way to live is approximately the level of women's workforce average rate for England, Ireland, Austria, Belgium, and France in 2000; (c) The reasons for answering in the affirmative to alternative 2 are that they expect to be economically self-reliable and a socially self-established person., 7, KJ00005058690, 研究報告}, pages = {31--36}, title = {「子どもを生み育てながら仕事を継続する」ことと社会的自立 : 看護学生の意識調査から}, year = {2008}, yomi = {イトウ, エイコ and ITO, Eiko and ITOH, Eiko and ITOU, Eiko} }